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NIGERIA FROM 1000-1999 - An Update

By: Mobolaji E. Aluko, PhD
Burtonsville, MD, USA

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January 1, 2001

A Happy New Year to you all!

Last year, at about this same time of the year, I compiled and published what I could glean from various sources about various key events in Nigeria over the past millennium. It was comprehensive, but by no means exhaustive.

There were events omitted - sporting highlights, the contribution of women, literary and educational milestones, death announcements of some important personalities, etc. A few dates needed correction. Several readers graciously pointed some of these out, while I went looking for others.

The information below is my best attempt at the update of One Thousand Years of Nigeria's history from 1000 to 1999. The highlights of just the Year 2000 will be published in a separate email at a later date.

Have a Happy New Year 2001.

Bolaji Aluko

From 1000 AD to 1799 AD

1000 - 1300

Hausa states develop in Northern Nigeria, Kanem-Bornu kingdom in Northeast Nigeria introduces Islam to the region.
Yoruba culture thrives around Ile-Ife.


This year: Ile-Ife smiths arrive in Benin


Portuguese reach Benin Gulf and begin trading


High point of Northern political history


Powerful Songhai Kingdom (which included Western Hausaland) collapses under Moroccan invasion


Britain dominates other European nations in controlling lucrative slave trade along Nigerian coast
Severe drought and resulting famine in the 1740s, 1750s and 1790s weaken several Sahel and Savanna states

1000 - 1799 | The 1800's | 1900 - 1939
The 1940's | The 1950's | The 1960's
The 1970's | The 1980's | The 1990's
Exchange Rates 1970 - 1999

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Published with the permission of Dr. Bolaji Aluko

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