SNC - Sovereign National Conference

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Sovereign National Conference

Civil Society Organisations

SNC Now! Movement

Your Excellency, President Olusegun Obasanjo
Your Excellency, Vice-President Abubakar Atiku
Honourable Anyim Anyim, President of National Senate
Honourable Ghali Umar Na'Abba, Speaker of the National House of Representatives
Your Excellencies, Governors of the 36 States of Nigeria
Honourable Speakers of House of Assemblies, the 36 States of Nigeria
The Attorney-General of the Federation, Chief Bola Ige:

Your Excellencies and Honours:

Mindful of the unfortunate fractricidal occurrences in the country since May 29, 1999;

conscious of the need to sustain our new-born democracy;

and deeply desirous of a strong and united Nigeria free of ethnic and religious conflicts and worthy to be defended by its citizens, we the undersigned urge the following:

  1. That you all individually and collectively set up the necessary legal instruments towards convening a Popular National Conference of the peoples, nationalities and civil society of Nigeria;

  2. That the final outcome of such a PNC will be a new Constitution approved by Referendum by the peoples of Nigeria, who ultimately are the repositories of the sovereignty of our nation;

  3. That such an approved Constitution shall be a new Social Compact truly binding between the peoples and governments of Nigeria as to how we wish to live peaceably and be governed honorably thereafter;

  4. That you all work with civil-society organizations such as the Transition Monitoring Group (TMG), the Constitutional Rights Project(CRP), The Civil Liberties Organizations (CLO), the Campaign for the Defence of Human Rights (CDHR) and the Campaign for Democracy (CD) to fashion out the exact modalities of the Conference so as to ensure transparency and accountability;

  5. That you take this letter as being written in good faith by respectful citizens and friends of Nigeria, and give our demands all the urgent attention that they deserve.

Nigeria is at a cross-roads. The choice it makes - disaster or prosperity - is ours.

God bless Nigeria.


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